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A: How was your flight?
비행기 여행 어땠어요?
B: It was fine, but I was a little cramped.
그런 대로 좋았어요. 하지만 비좁아 갑갑했어요.
A: Where were you sitting on the plane?
비행기 어디에 앉아왔어요?
B: I was in an economy class seat.
이코노미 석에 앉아왔어요.
There was not enough legroom for me.
다리 뻗을 공간이 충분치 않았어요.
I had no elbowroom, either.
팔꿈치 움직일 공간도 없었고요.
A: It sounds uncomfortable!
B: I had no room to breathe!
숨쉴 공간도 없었어요!
A: Economy class is not for tall people like you!
이코노미 석은 당신처럼 키가 큰 사람한테는 안 어울려요!
B: You can say that again!