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851 누구를 찾으세요? Who are you trying to reach?
852 우산 좀 빌려주시겠어요? May I borrow your umbrella?
853 남은 음식은 싸주세요. Can I have a doggy bag?
854 누구 바꿔 드릴까요? Whom would you like to speak to?
855 어떻게 지냈어요? How have you been?
856 연락 좀 하고 지내요. Don't be a stranger.
857 저는 건강해요. I'm in good health.
858 정말 감동받았어요. I'm so touched.
859 이게 누구야! Look who's here!
860 좀 지나가도 될까요? Can I get through here, please?