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581 물이 따뜻해졌어요. The water has gotten warm.
582 잠시 통화하고 올게요. I need to make a call for a minute.
583 한 병 더 시킬까요? How about another bottle?
584 이거 작은 사이즈 있어요? Do you have this in small?
585 다리가 부었어요. My legs are swollen.
586 오늘은 만우절이에요. Today is April Fools' Day.
587 카드를 재발급받고 싶어요. I'd like to have my card reissued.
588 저 봄 타나봐요. I think I got spring fever.
589 시간당 주차료가 얼마예요? How much is it to park here for an hour?
590 파마해 주세요. I'd like to get a perm.